City of Emeryville - AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee
City of Emeryville Representatives
Councilmember John Bauters
Councilmember Sukhdeep Kaur
AC Transit Representatives
Director Jean Walsh
Director H. E. Christian Peeples
Thursday, September 12, 2024
9:30 AM
Emeryville City Hall, Council Chambers
1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone (877) 369 0926
Webinar ID 971 5412 3990
Zoom link
Teleconference Requirements
Members of the inter-agency liaison committee may attend meetings remotely with notice of
their teleconference location published on the agenda, or without noticing their meeting
location subject to the limited “just cause” and “emergency circumstances” teleconference
exceptions under the Brown Act. In order to utilize these exceptions, a quorum of the committee
must participate in person from a single physical location within the District, and the member
teleconferencing must participate through audio and video technology. In addition, a
committee member must publicly disclose at the meeting whether any individuals 18 years of
age or older are present in the room at the remote location with the member and their general
relationship to the member. The committee may take action on an item not on the agenda to
consider a request from a member of the committee to participate in the meeting remotely
using the emergency circumstances teleconference exception. If a committee member(s)
teleconferences to a meeting, roll-call votes are required.
Live Public Comment
The public is invited to attend the inter-agency liaison meetings in person or remotely via Zoom.
Live public comment will be accepted during the meeting in person, through Zoom, or the
teleconference number listed on top of the page.
If you dialed in and intend to speak on an agenda item, dial *9 (star nine) to “raise your hand”
when the agenda item is called. If using Zoom, use the "raise your hand" feature to indicate
that you wish to speak on an item. When you are called to speak by the last 4 digits of your
phone number or by name, the host will unmute you. The comment time is limited to 2 minutes
per speaker. If you decide not to speak, you may dial *9 or click "lower your hand" in Zoom. The
telephone numbers listed below may change from meeting to meeting.
Note: AC Transit does not provide technical support to users accessing the meeting by