City of Richmond - AC Transit Interagency Liaison Committee  
City of Richmond Representatives  
Mayor Eduardo Martinez  
Vice Mayor Claudia Jimenez  
AC Transit Representatives  
Director Jovanka Beckles  
Director H. E. Christian Peeples  
Thursday, July 25, 2024  
9:00 AM  
HYBRID MEETING - In Person and Virtual  
Richmond Council Chamber, 440 Civic  
Center Plaza, First Floor, Richmond CA  
Phone: (877) 369 0926  
Webinar ID: 825 1982 7976  
Zoom link:  
Teleconference Requirements  
Members of the inter-agency liaison committee may attend meetings remotely with notice of  
their teleconference location published on the agenda, or without noticing their meeting  
location subject to the limited “just cause” and “emergency circumstances” teleconference  
exceptions under the Brown Act. In order to utilize these exceptions, a quorum of the committee  
must participate in person from a single physical location within the District, and the member  
teleconferencing must participate through audio and video technology. In addition, a  
committee member must publicly disclose at the meeting whether any individuals 18 years of  
age or older are present in the room at the remote location with the member and their general  
relationship to the member. The committee may take action on an item not on the agenda to  
consider a request from a member of the committee to participate in the meeting remotely  
using the emergency circumstances teleconference exception. If a committee member(s)  
teleconferences to a meeting, roll-call votes are required.  
Live Public Comment  
The public is invited to attend the inter-agency liaison meetings in person or remotely via Zoom.  
Live public comment will be accepted during the meeting in person, through Zoom, or the  
teleconference number listed on top of the page.  
If you dialed in and intend to speak on an agenda item, dial *9 (star nine) to “raise your hand”  
when the agenda item is called. If using Zoom, use the "raise your hand" feature to indicate  
that you wish to speak on an item. When you are called to speak by the last 4 digits of your  
phone number or by name, the host will unmute you. The comment time is limited to 2 minutes  
per speaker. If you decide not to speak, you may dial *9 or click "lower your hand" in Zoom. The  
telephone numbers listed below may change from meeting to meeting.  
Note: AC Transit does not provide technical support to users accessing the meeting by  
Written Public Comment  
Written comment can be emailed to by 8:00 AM on the day of the  
meeting. Indicate the agenda item number in the subject of the email.  
Director H. E. Christian Peeples, 13328 San Pablo Avenue, Room 9B, San Pablo, California 94806  
A. Roll Call/Welcome and Introductions - All  
B. Announcement/Public Comments (2 minutes for each speaker)  
C. Notes from Previous Meeting  
A. Richmond Hilltop Horizons. (VERBAL)  
Presenter: City of Richmond  
A. Transit Supportive Design Guidelines. (VERBAL)  
Presenter: AC Transit  
B. Realign Update.  
Presenter: AC Transit  
C. Macdonald Avenue and Cutting Boulevard Transit Streetscape Project.  
Presenter: AC Transit  
D. AC Transit Service Update.  
Presenter: AC Transit  
E. Update on Richmond Moves, On-demand Shuttle Pilot Expansion.  
Presenter: City of Richmond  
24-417 A. Bus Stop Policy Update - AC Transit  
B. Richmond Development and Project Updates - City of Richmond  
C. Richmond Parkway Plan - AC Transit/WCCTAC  
D. Clipper Start Program Overview - AC Transit  
E. Transit Shelter Update - AC Transit  
Public Comment: For subjects not listed on the agenda, the public will be invited to speak under the  
"PUBLIC COMMENTS" section of the agenda. Speakers wishing to address a specific agenda item will  
be invited to address the Committee at the time the item is being considered. All speakers, including  
anyone using simultaneous translation equipment, are allowed two (2) minutes to present comments.  
Speakers using a translator will receive twice the allotted time. Individuals wishing to present more  
detailed information are encouraged to submit comments in writing. Written comments are included  
in the record for meeting and, as such, are available for public inspection and may be posted to the  
District’s website.  
Order of Agenda Items: The Committee may discuss any item on the agenda and in any order.  
Electronic Devices: All electronic devices such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets and  
similar-sounding devices, shall be placed on mute, vibrate or silent mode during Committee meetings  
pursuant to District  
Ordinance No. 12.  
Availability of Agenda Related Materials: Written agenda related materials are generally available to  
the public 72 hours prior to the meeting or at the time the materials are distributed to a majority of  
the Committee members. Written materials presented at a meeting by staff or a member of the  
Committee will be available to the public at that time, or after the meeting if supplied by an outside  
party. Agenda related materials are available on the District’s website or by contacting the District or  
Committee Secretary.  
Accessible Public Meetings: Committee meetings are accessible to individuals in wheelchairs.  
Depending on the location, the meeting site may be equipped with assistive listening devices for  
individuals with a hearing impairment. Written materials in appropriate alternative formats or  
disability-related modification/accommodation must be made three business days in advance of the  
meeting to help ensure availability.  
Alternative Formats/Interpreters: Written materials in appropriate alternative formats or disability  
related modification/accommodation must be made three business days in advance of the meeting to  
help ensure availability. Subject to availability, sign language and foreign language interpreters will be  
provided upon request with 72-hour notice.  
Scented Products: Please refrain from wearing scented products as there may be attendees  
susceptible to environmental illnesses.  
Contact Information:  
Please direct requests for disability-related modification or accommodation and/or interpreter  
services to the Committee Secretary c/o the AC Transit Planning Department, 1600 Franklin Street,  
Oakland, California, 94612 or call (510) 891-7201.