The items for consideration are listed below and will be reported on by the General
Counsel as necessary at the end of the meeting.
3.A. Conference with Labor Negotiator
(Government Code Section 54957.6):
Agency Designated Representatives: President Young, General Counsel
Unrepresented Employees: Interim General Manager, Acting General Manager
3.B. Public Employee Appointment
(Government Code Section 54957(b))
Title: Interim General Manager, Acting General Manager
Electronic Devices: All electronic devices such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets and similar sounding
devices, shall be placed on mute, vibrate, or silent mode during Board meetings pursuant to District Ordinance
No. 12.
Order of Agenda Items: The Board may discuss any item listed on this agenda and in any order.
Availability of Agenda-Related Materials: Written agenda-related materials for all open-session regular
meetings are available to the public 72 hours prior to the meeting or at the time the materials are distributed
to a majority of the Board. Written materials presented at a meeting by staff or a member of the Board will be
available to the public at that time, or after the meeting if supplied by an outside party. Agenda-related
materials are available from the District Secretary’s Office, 1600 Franklin Street, Oakland, California, or on the
District’s website.
District Ordinance No. 13 prohibits non service animals at District facilities unless specifically authorized by law.
To accommodate individuals with severe allergies and environmental illnesses, meeting participants should
refrain from wearing scented products to the meeting.