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Report ID: 23-332   
Type: Consent
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 7/26/2023 Final action: 7/26/2023
Recommended Action: Consider receiving the Monthly Legislative Report and approve a SUPPORT position on SB 747 (Caballero D) Land use: Economic development: surplus land. Staff Contact: Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Att. 1 - Federal Update, 3. Att. 2 - State Update, 4. Att. 3 - State Matrix, 5. Att. 4 - 2023 Federal Advocacy Program, 6. Att. 5 - 2023 State Advocacy Program, 7. Master Minute Order

TO:                     AC Transit Board of Directors                                          

FROM:                                             Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer

SUBJECT:                     Monthly Legislative Report                     







Consider receiving the Monthly Legislative Report and approve a SUPPORT position on SB 747 (Caballero D) Land use: Economic development: surplus land.


Staff Contact:

Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications




Goal - Strong Public and Policymaker Support

Initiative - Financial Efficiency and Revenue Maximization


The Monthly Legislative Report helps the District track state, regional and federal legislation to ensure alignment with the District’s Strategic Plan and the specific goal of having strong public and policymaker support. Policy decisions at all levels of government can positively or negatively affect District operations and revenues and, as such, are important to track and influence as needed.




There is no budgetary or fiscal impact associated with this report.




Federal Update


Congressional appropriators continue to craft spending bills for FY 2023-24.  In the House, the Transportation, Housing & Urban Development (THUD) Subcommittee has been allotted $65.2 billion for it to allocate between the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Housing and Urban Development.  The Senate THUD allocation is $88 billion.  The committees are expected to “mark-up” the bills in July, offering amendments and voting to accept or reject any changes.


Congress will be on recess in August.  Staff is reaching out to our federal delegation to schedule meetings and facility tours during this time.


State Update


The FY 2023-24 state budget signed into law on June 27 includes $5.1 billion to support transit operations.  Four billion dollars will be provided by way of the Transit & Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) over the next two fiscal years; $1.1 billion more is committed over the next four years towards a new Zero-Emission Transit Capital Program.  All monies can be flexed by transit agencies to fund basic operations upon approval by their local Metropolitan Planning Organization.  Two related bills create various accountability and reform measures to access these funds and a statewide task force charged with making policy recommendations to improve transit and grow ridership.  See Attachment 2 for additional details.  Staff is engaged in conversations with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission about how funds will be distributed and what share the District can expect to receive and when.


The Legislature’s summer recess began July 14 and will extend through August 14.  During this time staff’s focus is on engaging policymakers and their staffs to update them on District priorities and to offer tours of our facilities.  After the Legislature reconvenes, it will have just one month, until September 14, to pass any bill in either chamber.  The Governor then has one month, until October 14, to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature.


Staff continues to advocate for its legislative priorities in Sacramento.  SB 532 (Weiner), which would increase Bay Area bridge tolls by $1.50 for five years, was heard in the Assembly Transportation Committee on July 5.  In addition to submitting a letter of support, the District’s state advocate delivered comments urging the Committee to advance the bill.  SB 532 passed out of the Transportation Committee and will next be considered in the Appropriations Committee.  Assuming it advances, SB 532 would next be considered on the Assembly Floor, where a 2/3 vote (27 “aye” votes) is needed to move it to the Senate, where a 2/3 vote (54 “aye” votes) is also required.  AB 719 (Boerner), which would require that Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans reimburse public transit operators for nonmedical and nonemergency medical transportation, advanced out of the Senate Health Committee on July 5  Reimbursement for nonmedical and nonemergency medical transportation is a District priority identified in the Board-adopted State Advocacy Program.


Staff recommends the Board takes a SUPPORT position on SB 747 <javascript:OpenBillInfo('SB%20747');> (Caballero <> D) Land use: Economic development: surplus land.  SB 747 makes numerous changes to the Surplus Land Act (SLA) to clarify procedures and provide local agencies with economic development opportunities pursuant to Economic Opportunity Law (EOL).  SB 747 continues to prioritize affordable housing production while also providing much needed statutory clarity to allow for a more tailored, community-driven approach to disposal and development of surplus land.




This report is provided to inform the Board of monthly legislative activities. Ensuring favorable legislation is adopted by policymakers helps further the District’s goal of having strong public and policymaker support.




No alternatives were considered as this report provides an update of monthly legislative activities.




Staff Report No. 22-466a: 2023 Federal and State Advocacy Programs




1.                     Att. 1 - Federal Update

2.                     Att. 2 - State Update

3.                     Att. 3 - State Matrix

4.                     Att. 4 - 2023 Federal Advocacy Program

5.                     Att. 5 - 2023 State Advocacy Program


Prepared by:

Steven C. Jones, External Affairs Representative


Approved/Reviewed by:

Claudia Burgos, Director of Legislative Affairs & Community Relations

Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications