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Report ID: 24-092   
Type: Regular - External Affairs
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 1/24/2024 Final action: 1/24/2024
Recommended Action: Consider receiving the Monthly Legislative Report. Staff Contact: Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Att. 1 - Federal Update, 3. Att. 2 - State Update, 4. Att. 3 - State Matrix, 5. Att. 4 - 2023-24 Assembly Committee Appointments, 6. Att. 5 - 2024 Federal Advocacy Program, 7. Att. 6 - 2024 State Advocacy Program, 8. Att. 7 - Overview of District Advocacy 2023-2024, 9. Att. 8 - Comprehensive Table of Achievements & Priorities, 10. Master Minute Order

TO:                     AC Transit Board of Directors                                          

FROM:                                             Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer

SUBJECT:                     Monthly Legislative Report                     







Consider receiving the Monthly Legislative Report.


Staff Contact:

Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications




Goal - Strong Public and Policymaker Support

Initiative - Financial Efficiency and Revenue Maximization


The Monthly Legislative Report helps the District track state, regional and federal legislation to ensure alignment with the District’s Strategic Plan and the specific goal of having strong public and policymaker support. Policy decisions at all levels of government can positively or negatively affect District operations and revenues and as such, are important to track and influence as needed.




There is no budgetary or fiscal impact associated with this report.




Federal Update

At the time this report was submitted, Congress was scheduled to be in recess for its winter break and the federal government was operating under a “bifurcated” continuing resolution (CR).  One part of the CR funds four appropriation bills- Agriculture, Energy & Water, Military Construction & Veteran’s Affairs, and Transportation, Housing & Urban Development- until January 19.  The remainder of the CR includes eight bills that fund other parts of the government, and which will expire on February 2.  Negotiations on appropriations bills continue into the New Year without any signs of agreement on funding levels.


State Update

In late November, Assembly Speaker Rivas announced several changes to the chamber’s leadership and committee chairs.  Of note:

                     New Majority Leader: Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, District 4 (Davis/Napa)

                     New Speaker pro Tempore: Assemblymember Jim Wood, District 2 (Sonoma/Eureka/Ukiah)

                     New Appropriations Chair: Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, District 14 (Berkeley/West Contra Costa County)

                     New Budget Chair: Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, District 46 (Encino)

                     New Transportation Chair: Assemblymember Lori Wilson, District 11 (Suisun City/Vallejo)


Attachment 3 provides the full list of Assembly Speaker Rivas’s appointments.  In the Senate, Mike McGuire (District 2, North Coast/North Bay) will become President pro Tempore on February 5, 2024.  The “pro Tem” leads the State Senate’s administration, policy agenda, and relationships with the Assembly and the Executive Branch.  It remains to be seen what appointments Senator McGuire will make to Senate committees.


The legislature is on recess until January 3rd, 2024, but in late December Senator Wahab (Hayward) introduced Senate Bill 397, a spot bill, which would require the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) to develop a plan to consolidate all transit operators in the Bay Area.  Staff is evaluating the proposed legislation, noting the transit integration efforts already underway via the Transit Transformation Action Plan, the Regional Network Management Committee and Council, and CalSTA’s Transit Transformation Task Force.


2023 Achievements & 2024 Priorities

Last year was a very productive year for the District in terms of policy and legislative advocacy.  Most notably, staff worked with a broad coalition of transit advocates to help secure over $5 billion in the state budget to support transit operations throughout California.  In 2024, the District’s legislative efforts will be focused on preserving the transportation funding provided in last year’s state budget as lawmakers work to address a projected $68 billion deficit in this year’s budget. At the same time, staff will remain deeply engaged on passing legislation that places a regional transportation measure on the ballot in 2026, and engaging on other legislation that could impact District operations.  Additional details are provided in Attachments 7 and 8.




This report is provided to inform the Board of monthly legislative activities. Ensuring favorable legislation is adopted by policymakers helps further the District’s goal of having strong public and policymaker support.




There were no alternatives considered as this report provides an update of monthly legislative activities.




Staff Report No. 23-420a: Adopted 2024 Federal and State Advocacy Programs




1.                     Federal Update

2.                     State Update

3.                     State Matrix

4.                     2023-24 Assembly Committee Appointments

5.                     2024 Federal Advocacy Program

6.                     2024 State Advocacy Program

7.                     Overview of District Advocacy 2023-2024

8.                     Comprehensive Table of Achievements & Priorities


Prepared by:

Steven C. Jones, External Affairs Representative


Approved/Reviewed by:

Claudia Burgos, Director of Legislative Affairs & Community Relations

Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications