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Report ID: 24-374   
Type: Consent
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 7/10/2024 Final action: 7/10/2024
Recommended Action: Consider adoption of Resolution Nos. 24-027 and 24-028 authorizing the General Manager, or his designee, to file and execute applications and funding agreements with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Bus Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery (BusAID) Program for the Park Street Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Signal Optimization Project and International Boulevard Transit Lane Delineation Project. Staff Contact: Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Att.1. Resolution 24-027 Park St, 3. Att.2. Resolution 24-028 Inter Blvd, 4. Master Minute Order

TO:                     AC Transit Board of Directors                                          

FROM:                                             Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer

SUBJECT:                     BusAID Applications for Park Street and International Boulevard Projects                     







Consider adoption of Resolution Nos. 24-027 and 24-028 authorizing the General Manager, or his designee, to file and execute applications and funding agreements with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Bus Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery (BusAID) Program for the Park Street Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Signal Optimization Project and International Boulevard Transit Lane Delineation Project.


Staff Contact:

Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer




Goal - Financial Stability and Resiliency


The award of BusAID program funds will help the District complete two vital capital projects to improve transit performance.




The District has applied for and been awarded $5.0 million in BusAID program funds for two projects: to install TSP technology and optimize signals along Park Street in the city of Alameda, and to implement transit improvements along International Boulevard in the city of Oakland. These projects will be funded by Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) and State Transit Assistance (STA) Revenue-Based Exchange funds.


A local match of 11.47% (approximately $650,000) is required for the CMAQ and STA Revenue-Based Exchange funds, and will come from District capital funds or other grants.


Both the BusAID program funds and local match are in the approved Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Budget.




The investment in transit priority throughout the Bay Area roadway network is one of many strategies adopted by MTC under its regional coordination effort to improve the transit customer experience and encourage more people to use transit. These transit priority strategies are being developed in close partnership with transit agency partners. Specifically, the BusAID program targets and funds the delivery of near-term (quick-build) transit priority projects at operator-identified “hotspot” locations with delay or reliability issues. The program serves to expedite the implementation of transit priority treatments to improve transit vehicle speed and reliability across the Bay Area region. The intent of the program is to maximize transit travel time savings and service reliability improvements for the most people, as quickly as possible, while centering on populations that depend on transit the most.


The funds have been programmed by MTC and resolutions are required from the District to fulfill the requirements of the CMAQ and the STA Revenue-Based Exchange funds. The funding for the two projects will accomplish the following improvements:


1.                     Park Street TSP and Signal Optimization Project


The Park Street TSP and Signal Optimization Project will install global positioning system (GPS)-tracking TSP technology and optimize signals along Park Street, between Alameda Avenue and Otis Drive. As the City of Alameda has already implemented TSP technology and signal optimization along the rest of Park Street (from Blanding Avenue to Central Avenue), this project will complete the TSP network along the remainder of the corridor. The total project cost is approximately $1.2 million.


2.                     International Boulevard Transit Lane Delineation Project: Phase Two


This project will install roadway treatments within the city limits of Oakland to emphasize and better delineate the transit-only lane and improve both motorist compliance and transit performance. This project will improve the Tempo BRT’s service by deterring motorists from crossing into the Tempo bus-only lane. These safety measures are expected to reduce both the number of collisions and traffic congestion and travel times for riders. The total project cost is approximately $4.4 million.




There are no disadvantages staff can identify for this action. The resolutions are necessary to allow the District to receive the funding which it has already budgeted.








Staff Report 24-217: AC Transit’s Participation in MTC’s Regional Transit Priority Efforts




1.                     Resolution 24-027: Park Street Transit Signal Priority and Signal Optimization Project

2.                     Resolution 24-028: International Boulevard Transit Lane Delineation Project3.



Prepared by:

Seema Prasad, Senior Capital Planning Specialist


In Collaboration with:

Casey Bruno, Senior Transportation Planner

Kathryn Vo, Senior Transportation Planner


Approved/Reviewed by:

Emily Heard, Capital Planning and Grants Manager

Richard Oslund, Director of Management & Budget

Robert del Rosario, Director of Service Development and Planning

Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer

Shayna van Hoften, Interim General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer