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Report ID: 23-579   
Type: Consent
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 12/13/2023 Final action: 12/13/2023
Recommended Action: Consider receiving the Monthly Legislative Report. Staff Contact: Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Att. 1 - Federal Update, 3. Att. 2 - State Report, 4. Att. 3 - State Matrix, 5. Att. 4 - 2023 Federal Advocacy Program, 6. Att. 5 - 2023 State Advocacy Program, 7. Master Minute Order

TO:                     AC Transit Board of Directors                                          

FROM:                                             Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer

SUBJECT:                     Monthly Legislative Report                     







Consider receiving the Monthly Legislative Report.


Staff Contact:

Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications




Goal - Strong Public and Policymaker Support

Initiative - Financial Efficiency and Revenue Maximization


The Monthly Legislative Report helps the District track state, regional and federal legislation to ensure alignment with the District’s Strategic Plan and the specific goal of having strong public and policymaker support. Policy decisions at all levels of government can positively or negatively affect District operations and revenues and as such, are important to track and influence as needed.




There is no budgetary or fiscal impact associated with this report.




Federal Update

Congress averted a potential government shutdown a few days before the November 17 deadline.  On November 14, the House passed their version of a continuing resolution (CR).  The Senate passed the House CR the following day, and the President singed the short-term funding package into law on November 17.  The CR extends government funding until January 19 for four spending bills: Agriculture, Energy & Water, Military Construction & Veteran’s Affairs, and Transportation, Housing & Urban Development.  Funding for the rest of the federal government- the eight remaining bills- is extended until February 2.  Lawmakers will resume negotiations on full year appropriations spending after Thanksgiving.  If an agreement on federal spending is not reached by these new dates, and a new CR is not passed, the government could once again face a shutdown.


State Update

The legislature is on recess until January 3rd, 2024.  During this time, staff remains deeply engaged in the process of shaping the legislation needed to place a regional transportation funding measure on the ballot in 2026 and will regularly update the Board on its progress.




This report is provided to inform the Board of monthly legislative activities. Ensuring favorable legislation is adopted by policymakers helps further the District’s goal of having strong public and policymaker support.




There were no alternatives considered as this report provides an update of monthly legislative activities.




Staff Report No. 22-466a: 2023 Federal and State Advocacy Programs

Staff Report No. 23-420: Draft 2024 Federal and State Advocacy Programs




1.                     Federal Update

2.                     State Update

3.                     State Matrix

4.                     2023 Federal Advocacy Program

5.                     2023 State Advocacy Program


Prepared by:

Steven C. Jones, External Affairs Representative


Approved/Reviewed by:

Claudia Burgos, Director of Legislative Affairs & Community Relations

Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications