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Report ID: 24-339   
Type: Consent
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 6/12/2024 Final action: 6/12/2024
Recommended Action: Consider authorizing the General Manager or his designee to file and execute applications and funding agreements with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) to expand and enhance the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) mandatory security training for the District's employees (Project) and help fund high-visibility patrol resources. Staff Contact: Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Master Minute Order

TO:                     AC Transit Board of Directors                                          

FROM:                                             Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer

SUBJECT:                     Application for FY 2024 Transit Security Grant Program                     







Consider authorizing the General Manager or his designee to file and execute applications and funding agreements with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) to expand and enhance the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) mandatory security training for the District’s employees (Project) and help fund high-visibility patrol resources.


Staff Contact:

Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer




Goal - Financial Stability and Resiliency


The TSGP grant would provide funding to expand and enhance the delivery of mandatory TSA security training to District staff and conduct awareness campaigns to proactively reduce vulnerabilities, as well as to offset overtime costs for high-visibility patrols in the downtown Oakland corridor to support bus operations.




Staff plans to apply for up to $750,000. Any grants received would offset costs that would otherwise require use of District operating funds. No matching funds are required for this grant program.




DHS has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity to provide $83.7 million for the FY 2024 funding cycle to provide grants to eligible public transportation systems for the protection of critical transportation infrastructure and the travelling public from acts of terrorism, and to increase the resilience of transit infrastructure.


Staff proposes applying for funding for the expansion and enhancement of the TSA mandatory security training for the District’s employees. The objective of this Project is to expand the training delivery types by adding online classes, in addition to the current classroom classes. The Project also aims to add to the instructor pools to provide better training as well as offer public awareness/preparedness campaigns, such as related to active shooters, to reduce vulnerabilities. The Project will help AC Transit proactively protect its riders and employees.


The safety training will increase awareness and educate employees of potential terrorist threats, as well as mitigate associated risks. These outcomes will help avoid service disruptions and lessen safety and service impacts to employees and the general public.


In addition, the District contracts with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement services, including use of high-visibility patrols in select corridors.  The patrols increase employee and passenger safety and security, as well as confidence in AC Transit services; however, they are relatively costly as they requires payment of over-time.




Staff cannot identify any disadvantages to applying for the funds. If successful, an award would help offset operating costs. Not applying would forgo an opportunity to use external funds to expand and enhance mandatory security training across the District and increased high-visibility patrols. The District needs to protect its employees, assets and riders from potential security threats.


There are no disadvantages to approving this staff report.




Project eligibility for TSGP funds focuses on meeting the two national priorities of enhancing cybersecurity and enhancing protection of soft targets/crowded areas.


Staff considered other security projects such as a cybersecurity exercises, but the proposed projects closely meet the criteria of the grant, are ready for implementation, and address the highest needs of the District.










Prepared by:

Seema Prasad, Senior Capital Planning Specialist


In Collaboration with:

Yolanda Harris, Manager of Public Safety and Security


Approved/Reviewed by:

Emily Heard, Capital Planning and Grants Manager

Richard Oslund, Director of Management & Budget

Marla Blagg, Director of Safety, Security & Training

Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer

Shayna van Hoften, Interim General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer