TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
SUBJECT: New and Revised Classifications
Consider the adoption of Resolution No. 24-041 approving the following new classifications: Telecommunications Analyst I; Senior Telecommunications Analyst; and Data Scientist; and approving the revisions to the following classifications: Telecommunications Analyst II; Innovation and Technology (IT) Service Analyst I; Data Engineer (formerly Database Administrator); and the Director of Training and Workforce Development (formerly Training and Education Manager).
Staff Contact:
Michael Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
Goal - High-Performing Workforce
Initiative - Employee Recruitment, Training and Retention
Classification specifications serve as a foundation for recruitment and retention strategies, workforce development, and compensation determination.
The sole fiscal impact of the recommended action is a minor increase for the incumbent who currently holds the Director of Training and Workforce Development position. The incumbent’s current salary is slightly below the minimum of the range of comparable classifications. The proposed revisions will result in an annual salary increase of $9,363. This increase aligns compensation for this classification with similar classifications and ensures equitable pay.
Staff recommends the approval of the following new classifications: Telecommunications Analyst I; Senior Telecommunications Analyst; and Data Scientist. Staff also recommends the approval of revisions to the following classifications: Telecommunications Analyst II; IT Service Analyst I; Data Engineer; and the Director of Training and Workforce Development. The proposed new and revised classifications are a result of collaboration between the Innovation and Technology (IT) Department, Business Sciences, Operations, and Human Resources. The new and revised classifications create career advancement opportunities, align with industry standards, and meet current and emerging business needs.
Determining Represented or Unrepresented Status
When determining whether a new or revised classification is designated as represented or unrepresented, the District refers to the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) which establish the classifications that are assigned to a particular bargaining unit. Many of the classifications in this report are designated American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Local 3916 (AFSCME). Article 1, Section 1.2(A) establishes AFSCME as the exclusive representative for classifications described in Board Resolution No. 838. For classifications not specifically included in Resolution No. 838, Article 1, Section 1.2(B) of the AFSCME contract serves as the guideline to determine whether a classification is represented or unrepresented. This determination considers factors such as the criticality and support to labor negotiations or grievance/discipline processes, and the character, function, and scope of similar classifications to ensure accurate alignment with the appropriate represented or unrepresented status. Additionally, all classifications in this report that were designated AFSCME represented were shared with AFSCME.
Determining Salary Assignment for New Classifications
The Human Resources’ Classification & Compensation unit evaluates both external market data and internal classifications to establish the appropriate salary placement within the District's pay structure. External market analysis, which involves surveying comparable agencies with similar classifications, ensures competitiveness with similar roles in the broader labor market. An internal equity review looks at other District classifications that perform similar work to maintain pay fairness. A thorough evaluation of both internal and external equity is conducted to confirm the appropriateness of the salary determination.
Salary Assignment of Existing Represented Classifications
Salary placement for existing represented classifications is based on the historical salary assignment for the represented classification. If a salary review is necessary, such as when the salary is significantly below market rates, which may impact recruitment and retention efforts, the new salary assignment recommendation will be addressed during the negotiation process.
New Classifications:
Telecommunications Analyst I
This is a new classification defined as the entry level classification within the Telecommunications Analyst series.
Currently, there is one Telecommunications classification, the Telecommunications Coordinator, which was last revised in August 2001. The proposed Telecommunications Analyst series will be comprised of an entry-level (new classification), an experienced level (existing classification), and a senior level (new classification). The series progression is Telecommunication Analyst I, Telecommunications Analyst II and Senior Telecommunications Analyst. (See the attached Career Ladder Telecommunications Analyst series.)
There is no budgeted position assigned to this classification and there are no incumbent employees. However, the IT department is anticipating future vacancies, and this classification provides the option to hire and train at the entry level and serves as a gateway for career advancement and opportunity within IT. The series is flexibly staffed from the entry to the experienced level within the series. It is proposed that this classification be assigned to AFSCME Salary Plan Grade 4, which is determined based on the information provided earlier in this report.
Senior Telecommunications Analyst
This is a new classification defined as the advanced, lead level classification within the Telecommunications Analyst series and provides technical and functional direction to lower-level staff. There is no budgeted position assigned to this classification and there are no incumbent employees. This level within the series provides current employees with future opportunities to gain lead level experience and learn skills that can translate into qualifying for higher level classifications such as IT Supervisor. As stated previously, the series progression is Telecommunication Analyst I, Telecommunications Analyst II, and Senior Telecommunications Analyst. It is proposed that this classification be assigned to AFSCME Salary Plan Grade 8, which is determined based on the information provided earlier in this report.
Data Scientist
This is a new classification defined as an experienced-level classification responsible for analyzing business, operational, financial, and economic data to support strategic decision-making. This is achieved through the application of algorithms, machine learning, predictive models, data mining, and exploratory data analysis. There are no budgeted positions allocated to this classification, nor are there any incumbent employees. The creation of this classification is a proactive measure to address emerging business needs. This classification is not currently in a classification series; however, other classifications at the District may be used to qualify into this classification. It is proposed that this classification be assigned to AFSCME Salary Plan Grade 10, which is determined based on the information provided earlier in this report.
Revised Classifications:
Telecommunications Analyst II
This classification, formerly the Telecommunications Coordinator, is the experienced level classification within the Telecommunications Analyst series. This classification specification was last revised in August 2001.The specific changes include nine additional duty statements to create consistency with the Telecommunications Analyst I. Additionally, flexible staffing language was added to the definition of the classification, which is consistent with other classification series for entry and experienced level classifications. This recognizes human resources best practices and follows the AFSCME CBA Article 17.1 D. Flexible Staffing.
Currently, there are two budgeted positions assigned to this classification, which are included in the Innovation and Technology Department’s budget. The series is flexibly staffed from the entry to the experienced level within the series. As stated previously, the series progression is Telecommunication Analyst I, Telecommunications Analyst II and Senior Telecommunications Analyst. This classification is assigned to AFSCME Salary Plan Grade 6. This placement is consistent with the historical salary assignment for this classification, mentioned earlier in this report. Any adjustments to the salary assignment for represented classifications are addressed through the negotiation process.
Innovation and Technology Service Analyst I
The Innovation and Technology Service Analyst series was approved by the Board in 2022, and at that time, the distribution of work did not necessitate an entry level classification. As the unit’s work has evolved and a minor reorganization occurred, an entry level classification for this series (Innovation and Technology Service Analyst I) was needed as an option to increase the candidate pool and provide an entrance into the IT department. The series progression is Innovation and Technology Service Analyst I, Innovation and Technology Service Analyst II and Senior Innovation and Technology Analyst. (See the attached Career Ladder IT Services Analyst series.) This classification, formerly the Help Desk Coordinator, is defined as the entry, training level within the IT Service Analyst series. This classification specification was last revised in November 2011. This classification is the entry point into the IT Service Analyst classification series, suitable for candidates with little or no IT experience, and allows for a starting point in the District for an IT career for internal and external candidates. The specific changes include the addition of language to indicate that this is a training/ learning level within the IT Service Analyst series. The minimum qualifications (MQ)s were lowered from an AA degree to high school graduation or equivalent and the experience level was reduced to no experience required. The revisions to the minimum qualifications allow for more internal candidates to qualify for these roles.
Flexible staffing language was also added to the definition of the classification, which is consistent with other classification series for entry and experienced level classifications. This recognizes human resources best practices and follows the AFSCME CBA Article 17.1 D. Flexible Staffing.
There is one existing budgeted position that will be associated with this classification. The IT Service Analyst series is flexibly staffed from the entry to the experienced level. This classification is assigned AFSCME Salary Plan Grade 04. This placement is consistent with the historical salary assignment for this classification, mentioned earlier in the report. Any adjustments to the salary assignment for represented classifications are addressed through the negotiation process.
Data Engineer
The Data Engineer classification, formerly the Database Administrator, was last revised in 1999. The revisions to the classification display the minimum qualifications and the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to meet business needs and align with industry standards. The retitling from Database Administrator to Data Engineer aligns with contemporary terminology. The modifications represent a well-defined classification that accurately reflects the functions performed by individuals in these roles. The specific changes include revisions to the minimum qualifications which are significantly outdated and insufficient for effectively performing the responsibilities of the role. Currently this classification requires an associate degree and two years of experience, which no longer align with the organization's current business needs. The recommended MQs are a Bachelor’s degree and five (5) years of experience. There are currently five budgeted positions associated with this classification, with four (4) incumbents and one vacancy that would be recruited for after this revised classification is approved. This classification is not currently in a classification series; however, other classifications at the District may be used to qualify into this classification. This classification is designated as AFSCME Grade 10. This placement is consistent with the historical salary assignment for this classification, mentioned earlier in this report. Any adjustments to the salary assignment for represented classifications are addressed through the negotiation process.
Director of Training and Workforce Development
The classification for the Director of Training and Workforce Development, previously titled Training and Education Manager, was last updated in 2006. The work associated with this role has greatly evolved. The work of the incumbent has increased extensively, and this role has taken on highly visible strategic workforce development projects within the District while directing the training programs of all new and current Bus Operator trainees as well as all maintenance training. This classification is responsible for the design and implementation of all labor workforce development programs, the management of federal and state apprenticeships, the creation and implementation of the industry leading program of Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) University and securing of over $20 million of grant awards for the modernization of facilities and workforce development programs at the District. The proposed revisions reflect the minimum qualifications, knowledge, skills, and abilities required to meet current business needs while aligning with industry standards. Retitling the role to Director of Training and Workforce Development ensures consistency with similar roles among industry peers. Additionally, the updated title aligns with market standards, enhancing the position's credibility and legitimacy in external engagements. It is proposed that this classification be assigned to Unrepresented Salary Plan Grade 14. The external market analysis and internal equity assessment reviewed peers in the labor market and other District classifications with comparable levels of responsibility, spans of control, and complexity assigned to the role to determine the appropriate salary assignment. The recommendation aligns competitively equivalent roles externally and maintains fairness/pay equity with other director-level classifications within the District pay structure.
The adoption of the proposed new and revised classification specifications will ensure that classification specifications are aligned with business needs, create consistency with industry standards, facilitate clear paths for career development, internal promotional opportunities, and succession planning.
There are no identified disadvantages to the recommended actions.
The alternative approach is to continue using the District’s classifications in their current form, which is not recommended. The current classification specifications do not meet business needs, facilitate functional career paths, nor do they contribute to or improve workforce development or talent management strategies.
1. Resolution No. 24-041 and related Exhibits
2. Career Ladder Telecommunications Analyst Series
3. Career Ladder IT Service Analyst Series
4. Database Administrator
5. Training and Education Manager
Prepared by:
Emily Cruz, Human Resources Manager
In Collaboration with:
Anne Kennedy Hayes, Acting Senior Management Analyst
Simone Pardorla, Executive Assistant
Approved/Reviewed by:
Salvador Llamas, Chief Operating Officer
Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer
Aimee Steele, General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer
Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer