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Report ID: 24-380a   
Type: Regular - Planning
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 2/26/2025 Final action: 2/26/2025
Recommended Action: Consider approving amendments to Board Policy No. 501 - Bus Stop Guidelines for Placement, Relocation, and Removal. Staff Contact: Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Executive Director of Planning & Engineering
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Att.1. Board Policy 501-Clean Version, 3. Att.2. Board Policy 501-Red Line Version, 4. Att.3. Presentation:Board Policy 501 Update, 5. Att.4. Board Policy 501-Board Feedback & Policy Update
TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Kathleen Kelly, Interim General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
SUBJECT: Board Policy No. 501 Amendments



Consider approving amendments to Board Policy No. 501 - Bus Stop Guidelines for Placement, Relocation, and Removal.

Staff Contact:
Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Executive Director of Planning & Engineering

Goal - Convenient and Reliable Service
Initiative - Service Quality

AC Transit currently operates across more than 20 cities and unincorporated areas in the East Bay, San Francisco and the Peninsula, serving a network of approximately 5,400 bus stops. Bus Stops represent the "front door" to AC Transit's service and decisions regarding their placement and condition affect riders' access to the service as well as the operation of the service itself.


There is no budgetary impact associated with updating the policy beyond regular staff time. This work falls within the boundaries of routine staff work responsibilities and can be completed using existing staff capacity. If the updated policy results in broad changes to the District's bus stops, those changes could result in future costs.


Board Policy 501 was last amended in 2019. The current amendments are intended to reflect the latest in best practices, customer preferences and operational needs to ensure the Policy aligns with District goals. This amendment is presented to the Board following collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and feedback from the Board.

From February to March 2024 staff created the project charter, conducted a peer review of other agencies' bus stop policies, developed guiding principles, and gathered internal feedback. Between March and May 2024, draft amendments were made to the policy. Additional internal and external feedback was obtained following initial edits to the p...

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