TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Kathleen Kelly, Interim General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
SUBJECT: Field Condition Elements Related to Service Reliability
Consider receiving a report regarding District efforts to increase service reliability through improvements in field conditions (i.e. layovers, reliefs, and restrooms).
Staff Contact:
Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Executive Director of Planning & Engineering
Salvador Llamas, Chief Operating Officer
Goal - Convenient and Reliable Service
Initiative - Service Quality
This Staff Report introduces the efforts the District has made to inventory all layover, relief, and restroom locations in the service area and identify key opportunities to address issues affecting working conditions and service reliability at those locations.
This report is informational only. There is no fiscal impact.
Bus service quality is affected by a number of factors, key among them are the often overlooked pieces of infrastructure in the field that allow the service to operate reliably. Service Development & Planning staff engaged with operators through surveys, workshops at each of the Divisions, and direct conversations about these field elements, and field work. These findings were paired with significant field work to catalogue all layover, relief, and restroom locations in the service area. Staff then identified key issues and prioritized locations for making improvements though adjusting schedules or working with local jurisdictions. It is important to realize that although staff has addressed some of the issues that were identified, this is very much a work in progress, and many of the solutions require coordination with local jurisdictions.
Focus Area #1: Layovers
Layover locations are spaces at the end of the line where the bus can be parked while not in...
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