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Report ID: 25-187   
Type: Regular - Operations
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 2/26/2025 Final action: 2/26/2025
Recommended Action: Consider receiving the FY 2024-25 Second Quarter Protective Services Report. Staff Contact: Marla Blagg, Chief Safety & Security Officer
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Att 1 FY2025Q2 - Reporting Tables and Graphs, 3. Att 2 Protective Services Metrics and Descriptions
TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Kathleen Kelly, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
SUBJECT: Quarterly Protective Services Report



Consider receiving the FY 2024-25 Second Quarter Protective Services Report.

Staff Contact:
Marla Blagg, Chief Safety & Security Officer

Goal - Safe and Secure Operations
Initiative - Service Quality

The Quarterly Protective Services Report provides Sheriff's Office metrics that align with the following Strategic Plan Goals and Initiatives: Safe and Secure Operations, Convenient and reliable Service, a High-Performing Workforce, and Service Quality.


There are no budgetary or fiscal impacts related to this report.


The Alameda and Contra Costa County Sheriff's Offices provide the District's law enforcement services. The Security Department is tracking new metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that better support the District's Strategic Goals and Initiatives and more accurately align with the FTA's Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) regulations. This report covers performance data from both County Sheriff's offices for the second quarter (Q2) of fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25).

Quarterly Report on Select Topics
(Reference Attachment 1, Table #1: Quarterly Report on Selected Metrics)

Provides a general overview or summary of various performance metrics during the quarter.

National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Reporting
(Reference Attachment 1, Table #2: National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Reporting
The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is a system used by police to report detailed information about crimes. Unlike older systems that record only the main offense, NIBRS includes data on all crimes, victims, and offenders involved in an incident. This means it provides a fuller picture of crime trends, help...

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