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Report ID: 25-152   
Type: Regular - Operations
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 2/26/2025 Final action: 2/26/2025
Recommended Action: Consider receiving a report on operator restroom access and progress with restroom projects. [Requested by Director Walsh - 1/8/25] Staff Contact: Salvador Llamas, Chief Operating Officer
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Agenda Planning Request - Director Walsh (Operator Restrooms)
TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Kathleen Kelly, Interim General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
SUBJECT: Operator Restrooms and Projects Update



Consider receiving a report on operator restroom access and progress with restroom projects. [Requested by Director Walsh - 1/8/25]

Staff Contact:
Salvador Llamas, Chief Operating Officer

Goal - Safe and Secure Operations
Initiative - Service Quality

A network of clean, hygienic and fully functional restrooms is very important to meet the needs of operators and other District employees working in the field which directly support the strategic goals of Convenient & Reliable Service, and High Performing Workforce.


The District's Operator Restroom Program is funded through the operations budget, with an annual budget of $864,400 in FY2025.


Operator Restroom Program
AC Transit has invested over $3.1 million to build new restrooms and dedicated more than $864,000 in the Fiscal Year 2025 annual operating budget to secure additional restroom locations. At the September 25, 2024, board meeting, staff reported a total of 309 active restroom locations. Since then, 48 locations have been added to the restroom network increasing the number to 357 locations, in the following locations:
* 17 locations on AC Transit properties
* 28 locations at BART stations
* 12 locations with portable restrooms
* 11 paid vendor restroom locations
* 289 District-friendly unpaid locations

To help oversee the operator restroom program, the District established an Operator Restroom Taskforce consisting of staff level representatives from the Transportation, Safety, Legislative Affairs and Community Relations, Scheduling and Planning departments. The taskforce is focused on identifying restroom locations, tracking availability, providing updates and monitoring cleanliness. A Trans...

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