TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Linda A. Nemeroff, District Secretary
SUBJECT: Public Hearing
Hold a Public Hearing to receive public comment on the final draft Redistricting Plan to redraw the ward boundaries of the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District.
There is no strategic importance associated with this report.
All activities associated with the Redistricting Project were included in the FY 2021-22 budget.
In September 2021, the Board received its first report on the redistricting timeline and process. The Board also adopted Resolution No. 21-033 establishing the criteria that would be used to adjust the boundaries of the five wards as provided in Elections Code section 22000. Since then, the Board has received numerous updates, including reports on how the current ward boundaries align with the 2020 Census data, the multi-lingual Public Outreach Plan, and two initial redistricting plans which were introduced at the December 8, 2021, Board meeting.
In addition, virtual public workshops were held on January 19 (San Leandro), January 20 (Hayward), January 24 (Berkeley) and January 27 (Oakland) to provide information to the public about the redistricting process and criteria. An overview of the draft redistricting plans was also presented. Additionally, staff demonstrated the use of a free, open-source public mapping tool that could be used by members of the public to submit their own boundary proposals and related data as well community of interest maps. Workshops were held in the evening with the goal of improving public participation and interpreters were available to assist non-English speaking participants. Various members of the Board attended the workshops at different times. A Community of Interest Survey was also available to the public from December 15th to February 9th.
On February 9, 2022, the Board of ...
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