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Report ID: 20-106   
Type: Consent
Meeting Body: Board of Directors - Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 3/11/2020 Final action: 3/11/2020
Recommended Action: Consider authorizing the General Manager or his designee to file and execute applications and funding agreements with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program.
Attachments: 1. STAFF REPORT, 2. Master Minute Order
TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Michael A. Hursh, General Manager
SUBJECT: Application for FY 2020 FTA Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program



Consider authorizing the General Manager or his designee to file and execute applications and funding agreements with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program.


Goal - Financial Stability and Resiliency
Initiative - Infrastructure Modernization

This grant is one of few available that can be used towards bus facilities infrastructure needs.


The District plans to apply for up to $5 million in Federal FY 2020 funds to repair and replace roofs on various buildings at Division 6. Awards under the Bus and Bus Facilities Program require a minimum 20 percent match requirement; therefore, the District will need contribute up to $1.25 million in state or District funds as the required match if awarded the full amount.


On January 30, 2020, the FTA issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program. This is a competitive funding program that makes $455 million available to replace, rehabilitate, purchase or lease buses and related equipment; and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct or lease bus-related facilities. Staff recommends applying to repair and replace roofs at Division 6.

The roofs and mechanical equipment on several buildings at Division 6 have outlived their useful life. They are currently in poor condition as identified through the District's asset management program and in need of repair or replacement. The roof on the Training and Education Center at Division 6 is currently being replaced, and the other buildings are also in need of such work as they are of similar condition and age.


Not applying for the funds would cause the District t...

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