TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Michael A. Hursh, General Manager
SUBJECT: Transit Recovery Infrastructure: A
Quick Build Framework
Consider adoption of the Transit Recovery Infrastructure: A
Quick Build Framework.
Goal - Convenient and Reliable Service
Initiative - Service Quality
Adopting the framework report would initiate staff efforts to engage local jurisdictions and funding agencies to speed implementation of transit infrastructure projects to improve bus operations and service quality as part of an overall COVID-19 recovery strategy.
Acceptance of this staff report would not have any budgetary impact. As individual projects are developed, a combination of grant funds, available District funds, or funds provided by local jurisdictions may be used.
Nationally, there is growing interest to streamline the construction of transportation infrastructure as a direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to stimulate the economy. Although there is rampant speculation on what the post-pandemic public transit world will look like, early indications are that traffic conditions will worsen before transit ridership bounces back and that, therefore, steps should be taken now to protect and enhance transit operations. The
build concept is intended help the District meet this immediate challenge and also achieve long-term goals, such as schedule reliability and efficient transit operations. Small-scale projects like red bus lanes, queue-jump lanes, temporary priority features, traffic signal modifications and other simple-to-
build components could be employed throughout the District providing widespread benefits to bus riders. These could take the form of stand-alone projects or be an early phase of a larger effort.
Attachment 1 describes the
quick build strategy in more detail. The framework document will serve as a Board-appr...
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