TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Michael A. Hursh, General Manager
SUBJECT: Rapid Corridors Project-San Pablo Avenue
Consider approving the award of a firm fixed price construction contract in the amount of $1,050,612.30 to Bear Electrical Solutions of Alviso, California, for the construction of the AC Transit Rapid Corridors San Pablo Avenue Project segment.
Goal - Convenient and Reliable Service
Initiative - Service Quality
The proposed project intends to improve reliability and reduce travel time along the San Pablo corridor. This is one of three corridors scheduled for capital improvements for transit performance under the Rapid Corridors Project.
The proposed total project cost is $12 million and is funded by various federal, state, and regional agencies including the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Alameda County Transportation Commission and California Department of Transportation. The project is fully funded by grants and includes the construction of the Telegraph and San Pablo rapid corridors. This proposed award will be $1,050,612.30, specifically for the San Pablo Avenue construction portion of the project. Staff does not anticipate any District contribution other than staff time.
The Rapid Corridors Project is intended to improve transit operations along Telegraph Avenue, San Pablo Avenue and Grand Avenue, as well as providing a mechanism to design and build the Dana Complete Street Pilot Project. The implementation of this multi-corridor Rapid Corridors Project is divided into two segments: 1) San Pablo Avenue construction which includes TSP along San Pablo Avenue, Grand Avenue, and I-80 ICM gap closure and 2) Telegraph Avenue TSP and Dana Complete Street Pilot Project.
The San Pablo Avenue construction contract includes the following:
• Replace existing equipment: The project would replace 17-year-old infrared Transit Signal Priority (TSP) equipment on traffic signals along San Pablo Avenue with more reliable, easier to maintain and monitor, modern Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology.
• Grand Avenue TSP Gap Closure: On Grand Avenue, unconnected, unconfigured, untested TSP equipment already exists. This project will activate and close gaps in the TSP system between Maritime Street and Lake Park Street in Oakland.
• Interstate 80 (I-80) Integrated Corridor Mobility TSP Gap Closure: The project will close a gap in the TSP system on arterials connecting San Pablo Avenue and I-80.
The District issued an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for construction of this portion of the project in November 2021. Staff conducted pre-bid meetings on November 30 and December 15, 2021. This contract involves the construction and installation of traffic signal modifications and a GPS-based TSP system.
The procurement was conducted as a sealed public bid through an Invitation for Bid with a 10% Small Business Enterprise (SBE) utilization goal. The District received six (6) timely bids. The final contract is a firm-fixed price valued at $1,050,612.30 with a period of performance of 120 days from the Notice to Proceed.
AC Transit notified 428 unique firms registered to do business with the District and interested in providing construction services, which included Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Small and Small Local Business Enterprises (SBEs, SLBEs) that could perform some or all of the proposed work. This procurement was advertised in the East Bay Times family of newspapers as well on the AC Transit website.
The advantage to the project is that it will make the improve reliability and reduce travel time along the San Pablo corridor.
Staff has not identified any disadvantages to awarding this contract.
A possible alternative is combining IFBs for the San Pablo Avenue and Telegraph Avenue projects to achieve better economies of scale. However, this will significantly delay the implementation of improvements on the San Pablo Avenue corridor and miss a project completion milestone for the West Grand/Grand Avenue TSP Gap Closure project. This is not recommended, and staff believes that the current contract and project structure is the most efficient way to achieve the desired project outcomes.
SR 20-236 - Rapid Corridors San Pablo Avenue and Grand Avenue Project Issuance of an IFB for Construction
Board Policy 465 - Procurement Policy
Prepared by:
Mika Miyasato, Senior Transportation Planner
Wil Buller, Traffic Engineer
In Collaboration with:
Jim Cunradi, Transportation Planning Manager
Eve Ng, Capital Planning and Grants Manager
Phillip Halley, Contracts Compliance Program Manager
Approved/Reviewed by:
Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Executive Director of Planning & Engineering
Robert del Rosario, Director of Service Development and Planning
Jill A. Sprague, General Counsel
Chris Andrichak, Chief Financial Officer
Fred Walls, Director of Procurement and Materials
Richard Oslund, Acting Director of Management & Budget