TO: AC Transit Board of Directors
FROM: Michael A. Hursh, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
SUBJECT: Consider the Adoption of AC Transit's 2024 Federal & State Advocacy Programs
Consider the adoption of AC Transit's 2024 Federal and State Advocacy Programs.
Staff Contact:
Beverly Greene, Executive Director of External Affairs, Marketing & Communications
Goal - Strong Public and Policymaker Support
Initiative - Financial Efficiency and Revenue Maximization
The annual federal and state advocacy programs help the District track state, regional and federal legislation to ensure alignment with the District's Strategic Plan and the specific goal of having strong public and policymaker support. Policy decisions at all levels of government can positively or negatively affect District operations and, as such, are important to track and influence as needed.
There is no budgetary or fiscal impact associated with this report.
Each year the AC Transit Board of Directors adopts advocacy programs to provide guidance for the District's activities in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento to influence transit legislation, appropriations, and administrative matters at the state and federal levels. The attached draft programs for 2024 address on-going efforts as well as developing issues for the coming year.
Staff solicited input to develop the attached federal and state advocacy programs from staff and executives. The draft programs were presented to the General Manager's Access Committee (GMAC) on September 12, 2023. Draft programs were also distributed to advocacy groups and the District's planning and funding partners to solicit feedback.
No amendments were recommended by the Board when it was presented with the draft 2024 Federal and State Advocacy Programs on October 25th. The legislative calendars in the pr...
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