| | Opening | A. Roll Call/Welcome and Introductions
B. Announcement/Public Comments
C. Previous ILC Meeting Notes | | |
Action details
Not available
| | New Discussion Items | A. ILC Parameters.
Presenter: AC Transit
B. ILC Restructuring and Member Appointments.
Presenter: AC Transit | | |
Action details
Not available
| | Update on Past Items | A. Berkeley City Project Updates. (VERBAL)
Presenter: City of Berkeley
a. Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Grant Updates
b. Southside Complete Streets
c. Telegraph Multimodal Corridor Study
d. Adeline Street Transportation Improvements
e. ACTC San Pablo Corridor Project
f. Berkeley Bike Plan Update
B. Durant Quick Build. (VERBAL)
Presenter: AC Transit
C. AC Transit Realign Update.
Presenter: AC Transit
D. Transit Supportive Design Guidelines.
Presenter: AC Transit
E. Service Planning and Performance Updates.
Presenter: AC Transit | | |
Action details
Not available
| | Future Agenda Items | A. Telegraph Avenue Rapid Corridors Progress Update - AC Transit
B. Automated Camera Enforcement - AC Transit | | |
Action details
Not available